Marica Borbás-Tóth

Vegetation exhibition

September 23, 2022 - January 15, 2023
: Blanka Bán

The series is inspired by the artist's idea that there are two major groups of abstract painting; abstract painting that relies on free gestures and momentary intuition, and abstract painting that relies on precision rather than chance, and is based on pre-designed, fixed forms. While his own works tend to fall into the latter group, he gives the illusion of belonging to the former. By his own admission, he finds it amusing to confuse his viewers, as the human brain basically tends to select and simplify visual information, trying to give a simple answer to the question "what am I seeing here?".

The interior walls of Aranybastya Restaurant feature exhibitions of contemporary Hungarian artists.

Have a dinner here!

Regardless of the exhibition, we are waiting for you during opening hours with our reimagined and traditional dishes!