New Hungarikum Menu from June at the Aranybástyában. Discover the world of Hungarian gastronomy in the heart of Buda Castle!

New Hungarikum Menu in the Aranybástya

The Aranybástya's Hungaricum Menu is a tribute to tradition, to showcase and revive the gastronomic treasures that represent the essence of Hungarian culture.Each item on our 5-course menu is a 1-1 creation that brings a slice of Hungarian flavours. And our Hungaricum Drinks are the perfect pairing.

Amuse bouche: Mangalica rilette, sourdough bread, pickled cucumber, Mako onion.

Our welcome snack is a classic rilette with sourdough elements and Mako onions. And our welcome drink is a cocktail called 'Four Fogat', made with pálinka, Törley champagne, Hungarian acacia honey and lowland chamomile.

Appetizers: foie gras mousse, Egri Bikavér, Szőregi roses, Csabai sausage, raspberry ice cream with paprika.

As a starter, foie gras mousse, with exciting flavour combinations: spicy sausage, fresh, spicy raspberry ice cream. 

Leves: Hungarian goulash soup.

No other soup could have been added to the repertoire than the classic goulash.

Main course: chicken paprika or grey beef stew.

For the main course, there are two options to choose from: the very popular chicken paprikash or the equally popular but slightly more substantial grey beef stew. The former is made from Makó onions with Kalocsa peppers and served with dumplings; the latter is served with Egri Bikavér and served with a broadmeat cheese with sheep's cheese.

For the chicken paprika we recommend a Ménes- Balla Géza Kolna Kadarka 2022, and for the grey beef stew we recommend the Nagy- Eged Grand Superior Bikavéret of Stumpf Pincészet.

Dessert: dobostorta.

To finish off, a classic drum cake was added to the Hungarikum menu, a crispy caramel topping under a soft, chocolatey buttercream between layers of sponge cake. Paired with Zwack Unicum Riserva, we can't think of a better ending!